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Undergraduate Written Work

During my time as an undergraduate at the University of Mount Union I have completed a variety of written work including research projects, op-eds, and proposals.

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Research Project

Illicit Antiquities and Terrorism

Researching illicit antiquities and terrorism provided valuable skills such as critical thinking, content analysis, and cross-disciplinary collaboration.  Through this project, I gained a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between cultural heritage and security.

Link to written work


US Vulnerability to Cyber 

Writing an op-ed on cybersecurity developed a range of skills, including research, critical thinking, and persuasive writing. I gathered and analyzed information from multiple sources, identify arguments, and present my own viewpoint in a clear and compelling way. By honing these skills, I am better equipped to communicate my ideas effectively.

Link to written work

Programming Console
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Senior Thesis Proposal 

Writing a project proposal required skills include the ability to identify problems, develop solutions, and communicate ideas effectively. 

Link to written work

Quantitative Analysis

Dataset Quantitative Analysis 

I developed skills including the ability to collect, organize, and interpret data using statistical methods and software. With these skills, I can analyze complex data sets and draw meaningful conclusions that can inform strategies and decision-making processes.

Link to written work

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